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Rare Song 750


ingE vA ingE vA oru ragasiyam
ennAnga ennAnga andha ragasiyam
ellAmE ellAmE perum ragasiyam
sollunga sollunga adhu avasiyam

Movie: kAdhal vAganam
Music: KVM

This is a rare PBS-PS duet, one of the four songs sung by PBS for MGR. MGR and Jeyalalitha sing the song in the movie. They sing this song in hiding while escaping from the bad guys!

KVM really experimented with new voices for MGR in this movie! Apart from having PBS sing the above song, there is one song in which MGR acts as a lady and KVM chose LRE to sing for MGR in that song. It is a hilarious song that goes as...

enna Man, poNNu nAn, chummA chummA pAkkAdhE